USA og Norge er demokratier. Begge har valg, tredeling av makten og friheter som ytringsfrihet (friheten til å si hva du vil) og rettsstat (dvs. at ingen kan straffes uten dom, eller dømmes uten lov). Men USA og Norge er temmelig forskjellige likevel. Hvordan hele USA som land styres Det styret som gjelder hele USA, og […]
The American political system
Left vs. right in the US – infographic
Here is a wonderful infographic about the differences between the left and right in American politics. (from
Amerikanske presidenter siden 1945
Forsøk på en kortfattet «jukselapp». Pugg navn, årstall og de viktigste hendelsene og det de var ansvarlige for.
Money in American politics – short version
How money influences American politics. Is it legalized corruption?
Classroom Congress simulation
How would YOU change/fix the United States? You’re going to try to be a legislator in the United States Congress. One of you will even be President! Look at the list of problems and issues in the USA here. What would you do about this, if you were a member of Congress or the President? […]
Problems and challenges facing the United States
What are the biggest problems in the USA? A list. How would you change things?
The US political system – kortFATTet
Det amerikanske politiske systemet – kortFATTet. Engelsk og norsk tekst.
The primary elections and the American political landscape
The American political landscape Both the United States as a nation and its citizens are way more to the right politically than Norwegians. They place far more value on the freedom and opportunities of the individual, and less on collective security and solidarity with those who don’t succeed. Broadly speaking, although the Democratic party resembles our Conservative […]
Vocabulary – democracy in the United States
These are some of the words you need to know in order to read, write or talk about American politics and the political system, or politics in general. How many do you know? Cover one side, and test yourself! Politics Politikk, spillet med å få makt Policy politikk, hva noen vil i en politisk […]
The American political system
How the United States is governed, compared to Norway. What you need to know.