Atombomben markerer første gang i historien at menneskelig teknologi har nådd et slik nivå at vi er i stand til å utslette oss selv, og kanskje til og med mesteparten av livet på jorden. Om atomvåpen, typer av atomvåpen, planer og strategier og dilemmaer.
Årsakene til den kalde krigen – situasjonen i 1945
Situasjonen i 1945 forklarer hvordan supermaktene oppførte seg i tiårene etter – under den kalde krigen.
Den kalde krigen – bakgrunnen for supermaktenes politikk
Virkelighetsoppfatning + håp + frykt = utenrikspolitikk
Transitions – gluing the language together
Transitions – all the wonderful alternatives to «and», «but» and «because».
How teachers grade oral presentations 10th grade
Assessment matrix – oral presentations 10th grade This is how we teachers think when deciding which grade to give to oral presentations or other oral activities. Language Content Communication/ presentation 6 Large, advanced vocabulary. Few or no grammar errors Excellent flow and pronunciation Advanced knowledge and understanding. Well-chosen facts and figures Includes everything in […]
Quoting and paraphrasing other people’s texts
How to refer to other people’s text and facts. These are some good phrases to use when paraphrasing other people’s text (write in your own words). According to X = i følge x X writes (in an article/ book/…) that… In the article…., X writes that….. In an article on the BBC website, […]
The «drone war» – does it fight terrorism or create it?
Since the terror attacks on September 11 2001, the United States has been fighting terrorist groups in countries like Afghanistan. However, after two catastrophic ground invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq, the United States has found a new way of fighting: drones. What are drones? Drones are airplanes without pilots, radio-controlled from far away using advanced technology […]
Money in American politics – short version
How money influences American politics. Is it legalized corruption?
Classroom Congress simulation
How would YOU change/fix the United States? You’re going to try to be a legislator in the United States Congress. One of you will even be President! Look at the list of problems and issues in the USA here. What would you do about this, if you were a member of Congress or the President? […]
Problems and challenges facing the United States
What are the biggest problems in the USA? A list. How would you change things?