How to refer to other people’s text and facts.
These are some good phrases to use when paraphrasing other people’s text (write in your own words).
According to X = | i følge x |
X writes (in an article/ book/…) that… | |
In the article…., X writes that….. | |
In an article on the BBC website, | |
State = | å uttale |
Believe = | å mene/ tro (være sikker) |
Be convinced = | å være overbevist |
Think = | å tro (anta, mene, ikke være sikker) |
Claim = | å påstå (du tror det ikke, er ikke enig) |
Conclude = | å konkludere med |
Suggest = | å antyde, foreslå |
Insist = | å insistere på noe, være sikker på |
Remind = | å minne noen om noe |
Point out that= | å påpeke at |
Argue = | å argumentere (med/ for/ mot) |
In X’s opinion, = | etter Xs mening |
In X’s view = | etter X sitt syn |
X admits that = | X innrømmer at |
X’s main argument(s) is/are | X sitt/ sine hovedargument(er) er |
X characterizes……. as “……..” | X betegner ………. som “…………..”
X kaller …………… “………………” |
(X is the person who wrote what you are referring to)
Learn to use several different ones – that makes your text much more readable and elegant.
Important: If you quote someone directly, you must use quotation marks:
“If you quote someone directly, you must use quotation marks,” wrote the teacher on yet another sheet he expected us to keep and learn from.
According to the teacher, you are not supposed to quote people directly without using quotation marks.
The teacher reminded us that we must make it clear that we are quoting someone, by using quotation marks.
(Quotation marks can be found at shift+2 on the keyboard.)